Bandwidth Frequency
As we mentioned before, we can relate bandwidth frequency to closed-loop
natural frequency and damping ratio. Thus, we can relate bandwidth
frequency to damping ratio and rise or settling time with the following
Settling Time

In order to make our life easier, we usually plot these equations instead
of plugging in the values:

Rise Time

Again, we usually look at the graph instead of plugging in the values.

Matlab Code
However, if you want an exact number given a damping ratio and rise or
settling time, you can copy the function wbw into an m-file:
function[] = wbw()
DR = input('Damping Ratio? ');
n = 0;
n = input('Settling Time(0) or Peak Time(1)? ');
if n == 0
ts = input('Settling Time? ');
temp1 = sqrt((4*DR^4) - (4*DR^2) +2);
temp2 = 1- (2*DR^2);
temp3 = 4/(ts*DR);
Wbw = temp3*sqrt(temp1 + temp2)
if n ==1
ts = input('Peak Time? ');
temp1 = sqrt((4*DR^4) - (4*DR^2) +2);
temp2 = 1- (2*DR^2);
temp3 = ts*sqrt( 1- DR^2);
temp4 = pi/temp3;
Wbw = temp4*sqrt(temp1 + temp2)
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8/27/96 BRN