Jonathan Wu

Adjunct Professor of the School of Engineering Science
Research Officer and Group Leader at the National Research Council

B.Sc. Shandong University of Technology, 1982
M.Sc. Coventry Lanchaster University, 1987
Ph.D. University of Wales at Swansea, 1990

Research Interests

Intelligent sensing, wireless microsensor systems, pattern recognition and image analysis, computer and machine vision, control and robotics, neural networks and fuzzy systems, 3-D vision and image visualization, and sensor fusion technology.

Dr. Wu established the Vision and Sensing program at the National Research Council Innovation Center in Vancouver. The research focus of the Vision and Sensing Group is to research and develop optical sensor and integrated systems. The research areas include 1) study of laser interaction with matter, (e.g., fuel cell membrane & wood), 2) micro fuel cell sensing, 3)robust recognition and inspection systems, 4) multiple sensor integration and fusion, and 5) robust active stereo vision and vision-based servoing. The on-going applications include 1) Wireless sensing applications, 2) Automated inspection and grading, 3) Surface shape & roughness measurement, 4) Wood grain orientation measurement, 5) Intelligent robotic systems for rehabilitation, and 6) Reality virtualization and visualization with dense stereo.

Selected Publications

  1. K. Stanley, Q.M. Jonathan Wu , and W.A. Gruver, "Implementation of Vision-Based Grasp Planning", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C, Vol. 30, No.4, pp.517-524, November 2000.
  2. K. Stanley, Q.M. Jonathan Wu, A. Jerbi, C.W. de Silva, and W. Gruver, "Modular Neural-Network Based Visual Robotic System with Image Compression Input", the International Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.10, No.1, pp.1-12, 2001.
  3. R. Lee and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Machine Vision System for Curved Surface Inspection," International Journal of Machine Vision and Applications, Vol.12, pp.177-188, 2000.
  4. J.Z. Zhang, H.T. Tsui, and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "A Monocular Approach to 3-D Reconstruction Based on Bilateral Symmetry", International Journal of Machine Graphics and Vision, Vol.9, No.4, pp.763-775, 2000.
  5. Z.Y. Zhang and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "A Pyramid Approach to Motion Tracking," accepted for publication in the journal of Real-Time Imaging, Vol. 7, No. 6, Dec. 2001.
  6. Z.Y. Zhang and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences, " in revision for publication in IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
  7. Z. Zhang, Q.M. Jonathan Wu et al., "Active head tracking based on chromatic shape fitting," Accepted for publication in Intl. Journal. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.
  8. Z. Zhang, Q.M. Jonathan Wu et al., "Integration of saccade, shape-fitting and zooming processes for head tracking", pending for publication in IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
  9. Q.M. Jonathan Wu , R. Lee and, C.W. de Silva "An Imaging System with Structured Lighting for On-line Generic Sensing of Three-Dimensional Objects," accepted for publication in Sensor Review Journal.
  10. Q.M. Jonathan Wu, K. Stanley, F. Deravi, and D. Liew, "Computer Vision", in the Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.
  11. Q.M. Jonathan Wu, K. Stanley and C.W. de Silva, "Neural Control Systems and Applications", in Intelligent Adaptive Control: Industrial Applications, CRC Press, 1998.
  12. Y.Z. Zhang, and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Integrating Saccade, Shape-fitting and Zooming to Track a Human Head," pending for publication in the IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation.
  13. Q.M. Jonathan Wu, R. Lee, and C.W. de Silva, "a Structured Light based 3-D Online Sensing System," pending for publication in the journal of Sensor Review.
  14. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and C.W. de Silva, "Dynamic Switching of Fuzzy Resolution in Knowledge-Based Self-Tuning Control", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.4, No. 1, pp.75-87, 1996.
  15. C.W. de Silva and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Flexible Automation of Food Processing'', International Journal for Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.6, No.2, 165-178, 1993.
  16. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and M.G. Rodd, "Boundary Segmentation and Parameter Estimation for Industrial Inspection'', IEE Proceedings, Vol.137, Part~E, No.4, pp.319-327, July 1990.
  17. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and M.G. Rodd, "Towards Intelligent Boundary Extraction for On-Line Industrial Inspection'', International Journal for Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2, pp.315-320, December 1989.
  18. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and M.G. Rodd, "Fast Boundary Extraction for Industrial Inspection", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vo.12, pp.483-489, 1991.
  19. L.X. Cao, Q.M. Jonathan Wu, and M.G. Rodd ,"Detection of Multiple Circles Based on Adaptive Hough Transform'', International Journal for Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.1, pp.97-101, 1988.
  20. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and M.G. Rodd, "Boundary Feature Extraction and Structural Verification of Objects'', Advances in Machine Vision: Strategies and Applications, C. Archibald (Editor), World Scientific, pp.35-62, 1992.
  21. K. Stanley, Q.M. Jonathan Wu, and W.A. Gruver, "An Intelligent Vision Guided Tele-Operation System for File Manipulation and Office Automation," to appear in the Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, Tennessee, October 8-11, 2000.
  22. K. Stanley, Q.M. Jonathan Wu, A. Jerbi, and W.A. Gruver, "A Fast Two Dimensional Image Based Grasp Planner", Procs. Of 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct. 1999, Korea.
  23. K. Stanley, Q.M. Jonathan Wu, Jerbi, A., and W.A. Gruver, "Neural Network-Based Vision Guided Robotics," Procs. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, U.S.A., May 1999.
  24. R. Lee, C.W. de Silva, E. Croft, and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Structured Light Based Whole Field 3D Sensing System," World Automation Congress: Seventh International Symposium on Manufacturing and Automation, Hawaii, USA, June 2000.
  25. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and D. Liew, "A Computer Vision Method for Detection of External Log Cracks and Pith in Log Cross-Section Images," World Automation Congress: International Symposium on Intelligent Automation and Control, Hawaii, USA, June 2000.
  26. R. Lee and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Range Scanner Design for Automatic CAD Model Acquisition System," the 1999 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, Las Vegas, USA, May 1999.
  27. K. Stanley and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Neural Network-Based Robotic System with Image Compression Input," World Automation Congress’ 98, Acchorage, Alaska, 1998.
  28. S. Shirani, A. Jerbi, F. Kossentini, R. Ward, and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Content-Based Retrieval of Video Sequences under Partial Occlusion," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Japan, Oct. 1999.
  29. Y. Liang, Q.M. Jonathan Wu, and C.P. Grover, "A Modified White-Light Mach-Zehder Interferometer for Measurements of Direct Group Delay with Application in 3D Profilometry", Proceedings of the SPIE Annual Meeting, Vol. 3478, San Diego, 1998.
  30. Q.M. Jonathan Wu, A. Jerbi, X.T. Shi, and C.P. Grover, "Partitioning Partially-Overlapped Thin Objects Using an Optimal Clustering Algorithm", Proceedings of the SPIE Annual Meeting, Vol. 3460, San Deigo, 1998, pp.145-153.
  31. K. Stanley and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Neural Network Based Visual Robotic System with Image Compression Input", World Automation Congress, 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
  32. C.P. Grover, Y. Liang, E. Simova, and Q.M. Jonathan Wu, "Group Delay Measurement Techniques for Guided Wave and Free Space Applications", International Conference on Optics & Optoelectronics (ICOL-98), Dehra Dun, India, December 9 - 12, 1998.
  33. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and K. Stanley, "Neural-Visual Servoing Using a Neural-Fuzzy Decision Network", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 1997.
  34. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and M.G. Rodd, "Intelligent Machine Vision System for Inspection and Control'', in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 1989, Singapore.
  35. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and C.W. de Silva, "Intelligent Control Experiments Using a Retrofitted Industrial Robot'', the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Nov. 28 - Dec. 3, 1993, New Orleans, La.
  36. Q.M. Jonathan Wu and C.W. de Silva, "Knowledge-Based Systems for On-Line Grading of Herring Roe", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp.3742-47, Vancouver, Canada, 1995

Partners and Lab Affiliations

Dr. Wu works at the National Research Council, Vancouver Innovation Center as a Research Officer and Group Leader of the Vision and Sensing Group. Other research associates include: Braintech, RCC, Tektrend International, Precix Advanced Cutting Technologies, and the University of British Columbia.

Support / Funding

National Research Council of Canada, NRC/NSERC Funding Program, National Fuel Cell Program, RCC, and Precix

Grad Students

Kevin Stanley, Ph.D. Abhi, Jain, M.A.Sc.