Edward Chen

Graduate Student

Intelligent / Distributed Enterprise Automation Laboratory 
School of Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada

Tel: (778) 782-4371
Fax: (778) 782-4951
Internet: ekchen[at]sfu.ca


2006 - present
PhD in Engineering Science (expected 2009)
School of Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC Canada
Supervisor: Dr. William A. Gruver

MASc in Applied Science
School of Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Supervisor: Dr. William A. Gruver

BASc in Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada

Professional Experience

Sept 2002 - Dec 2002
Teaching Assistant
School of Engineering Science
Burnaby, BC

Jan 2001 - Sept 2001
Software Design Engineer
Glenayre Electronics Inc.
Burnaby, BC

Research Interests

  • Mobile Communication Theory
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Multi-agent systems
  • Distributed Networks

Professional Skills

  • Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000, UNIX, QNX
  • Programming languages: Java , Visual C, VB, Assembly, VHDL
  • Mathematical tools: MathCAD, Matlab, MAPLE
  • Digital/analog circuitry analysis and design, data communication networks operations.
  • Communication Protocols and Analog/Digital Modulation Techniques


  • Association of Professional Engineer and Geoscientists of BC Scholarship Award (APEGBC)
  • SFU Undergraduate Student Senate Scholarship


E. Chen, V. G. Lesau, D. Sabaz, L. Shannon, and W. A. Gruver, Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration of FPGA Framework For Agent Systems, Proc. of the 2011 Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, Toulouse, France, Aug. 2011.

E. Chen, D. Sabaz, and W. A. Gruver, JADE and JXTA Extensions for the Implementation of Distributed Systems, Proc. of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2006.

E. Chen, D. Sabaz, and W. A. Gruver, “Wireless distributed systems with JADE,” Proc. of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, The Hague, Netherlands, October 2004.