the euss retreat tom weir, vp internal
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If you've been reading the EUSS meeting minutes (you do
read them right? I don't write them for the fun of it.),
you'll have seen mention of the EUSS Retreat we held on
Jan 15-16.
There've been a few misconceptions about the retreat, so I'm going to try and clear some of them up. First off, its not just the Execs that attend the retreat. We (the exec), invite other EUSS members who have expressed an interest in the EUSS, usually this includes past execs, and people who help with EUSS projects from time to time. Generally, we aim to have about 20 people max at the retreats, any more and it gets a bit to crowded. So what gets done at the retreats? Lots. The retreat provides an extended amount of time to discuss important issues facing the exec (such as the constitution), and ensure that everyone has had time to express their views. The retreat gives the exec an opportunity to come together as a team, and ensure that we have a common set of goals for the semester. This semester, the topics of the retreat focussed around the organization of the EUSS. We discussed what everyone's duties on the exec are, and then got into a discussion about the constitution, and our relationship with the SFSS. If you want to know more, talk to Mike Hutchison, I'm sure he'd just LOVE to fill you in. Other topics we discussed included Lab issues, EUSS finances, CCES, and our upcoming WECC 2001 bid. If you want to know more about anything we discussed, feel free to hunt me down for details. So if you want to come to the next retreat, VOLUNTEER your time, and heaven forbid, run for an Exec position next semester.
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