event review bill england, vp university affairs
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The semester break saw 18 diehard SFU engineering
bowlers get together to demonstrate their flawless
form at the Brentwood Lanes Bowling Centre. The
competition was fast and furious on the action packed
night, which saw several bowlers score in the mid-200's.
The night was a success regardless of the fact that a few engineering students felt the need to stay home and watch Showcase. If you didn’t come you missed out on a good time bowling, and a lot of laughs at Earl's thereafter. Thank you to all those who participated, and I look forward to another such event during every semester break.
The Lounge sink and fridge will be cleaned every Tuesday morning. Anything found in the fridge will be thrown out. Dirty dishes in the sink will also be getting the toss.
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We welcome feedback and comments at
euss-vp-external@sfu.ca |