upcoming events
eric keung, interim vp events

Are you bored during this summer semester? Are you tired of studying day and night? Are you screaming for a break? Well, I've got something that you might be interested in. The EUSS is presenting the Applied Science Volleyball Tournament (AppSci V-ball Tourney) on July 16th.

Do you know what the AppSci V-ball Tourney is? I'm sure lot of you do, but here's a quick overview. The AppSci V-ball Tourney is a V-ball tournament held by the EUSS every semester for all Applied Science Students. It has both recreation and competitive leagues, so you won't feel like you're up against the pros. You want to play and you already have a team of 5 ~ 6 people. Well, you’re all set! Just grab an entry form from one of our friendly EUSS execs and you're game. You ask "what if I don't have a team and I still want to play? The answer is simple; send me an e-mail and I'll put you on a team! Is that simple or what?

Don't worry if you're not a ball playing person. The EUSS also has other events lined up for you to attend. On July 3rd, the EUSS will be hosting its first Strategic Western Alliance of Engineering Disciplines (SWAED). Sounds interesting, eh? The event is basically a gathering with a whole bunch of other 'Geers from UVic, UBC, and UW(ashington). It's going to be a nice day at the beach followed up by clubbing downtown at night. The details are going to be e-mail'd out soon, so keep your eyes open!

That's about it from me this time. I hope to see you all at V-ball and SWEAD. If anyone has any questions, comments, suggestions , or ideas about any events, send me an e-mail at eykeung@sfu.ca.

Note: all the rules on team formation for the V-ball Tourney are on the back of the application form

We welcome feedback and comments at euss-vp-external@sfu.ca
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