Perspective on WECC
By Erik Minty
Well, WECC happened, and I've recovered (almost). All six of us had a great time (Kev and Kev apparently didn't, which explains why they weren't there).
I'm sure Jay will write something more comprehensive for this rag, but here's a few perspectives on WECC (as if you didn't figure that out already!) WECC was:
- Making fun of the drunken Ubyssey guys in their SARCs (Sinfully Atrocious Red Cardigans).
- Debating the finer points of Valentine's Day with Jay.
- Being woken up at 1:30 am so that some schmo can give us the competition rules and schedule (the latter of which told me I was debating in 7 hours).
- Sitting in a mall, explaining Pete's submarine to passers-by, even though I didn't really know what I was talking about (sorry Pete).
- Getting an extremely detailed tour of the HMCS Regina, the newest of the Canadian Patrol Frigates, and being told by some of the sailors that it was really terrific being able to go down to San Diego and having all the American sailors drool over their boat (for a switch).
- Discovering that there really are people who can drink 40 beer in one night. (Fortunately, I knew I wasn't one of them!)
"....SFU got two awards, and Ubyssey got squat. Maybe that was the best part."
- Being "shocked and appalled that you could perpetrate such fallacies" (that's for you, Pete.)
- Watching the Antonio brothers estolling the virtues of Einstein's crazy hair.
- Spending an hour wandering the streets of downtown Victoria, looking for a place to eat Sunday brunch at a reasonable price, in the rain, listening to Pete's continuous complaints: "I'm hungry!"
- Driving with Chris "I've never driven anything near this big before." Always an adventure.
- Oh yeah. And let's not forget: being there while SFU got two awards, and Ubyssey got squat. Maybe that was the best part.
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