Get Wired - SFU ENSC on the 'Net
By John Harvey, VP Geek Electronic Communications
By the time you read this article, Netscape will be available on the pit computers (well, almost. Wait till the end of semister). Netscape is your Volvo to the information super traffic-jam. This year the EUSS created a new position, VP Elec.Communications, and as part of my job, I want to get all of you wired, and here's why:
- UBC isn't
- You can get co-op jobs
- You can do research for Homework
- You can download software
- UVic isn't
- You can pretend you have a life
- You can add it to your resume
- You can brag to your friends
- MIT is.
The following couple of pages discuss the 'net, how you get on-line, and how to put your stuff on-line. This is by no means the definitive guide to the 'net, to surfing, or to being wired (for that, you need to go to the 'net), but this will get you started. These articles are aimed at people with little 'net experience. At any time, I suggest you drop this article, and just go play, because everyone hates user manuals. So without further ado, find the article you care about, and go surfing. Welcome to the information age.
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