AKF Walk a Sunshiny Success
By Erik Minty
On Sunday, May 28 a whole lot of generous people went out to Stanley Park to walk around the seawall, raise some money for third world development, enjoythe sunshine, and teach people about the kind of things that the Aga Khan Foundation is doing.The Aga Khan Foundation is an organization that operates on the knowledge that simply shelling out generous cash donations to developing countries is not the answer. All day long I heard testimonials from people whose villages were completely turned around because of the work of the people with the Aga Khan Foundation. There's an old wise saying that says "Give me a fish and you feed me for a day. Teach me to fish and you feed me for a lifetime." The AKF is truly not only "teaching people how to fish", but they are providing the needed resources to help these people to rise above a lifestyle of mere survival.To list some examples, reforestation projects go hand-in-hand with training in managing crops and alternatives to wood-burning stoves. Rehydration programs not only save the lives of children ailed by parasitic water supplies, but train people in the villages in this simple technique.So thanks again to those people who were able to come out. We all had a great time, and I think we learned something positive, and contributed to its growth in a small way. But that's the only way I think we're ever going tosolve the world's problems _ one small step at a time.
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