Last issue, we said the interim VP University Affairs is Marinko Sarunjic. That's a typo. It's actually Marco Syringic. No, Mint Coat Sir Onic. No... ah just look in the ENSC student directory. (Okay, okay, it's Marinko Sarunic).
More Dart News!
We now have a new dart board so you can't blame it anymore. Enjoy it and please, take off your voodoo dolls when you're done with them. Speaking of new, we also have a wipe/white board instead of the black board. Tempting as it may be, we've been kindly asked by the computer people to stop using the black board because the chalk dust affects the equipment.
Not on the EUSS?
Well that doesn't mean you can't help. We need you to sit on some of these committees (EUSS can't do everything y'know). So talk to any EUSS member and help out your ENSC community. We'll let you know what positions are available.
Enscquire, The New Image?
It's not too much of a change but I decided a change was due nonetheless. So what does the rest of engineering think of the new format? Enscquiring minds want to know.
Drop a note off in the EUSS suggestion box, e-mail me (chengn@sfu.ca ) or just find me around the lab and tell me! Be warned: I may use what you say as a letter to the editor! (Muahahaha)
Next Issue
Well this issue's out kind of late. Then again, so was the last one. So... what's the theme for next issue? Well we've had "Engineer and War" so how about "Engineers and Finals"? or "Engineers: To Be Or Not To Be"? or "Engineering as an Art Form?". Okay, maybe not. Next issue, if it comes out in time for that stressed out time called finals, will feature your regular articles and anything you guys can muster for us. Think over it, your EUSS will thank you for your deed and you will get a warm fuzzy feeling.
If you've got something to say, an announcement to make or some event you want people to know about, e-mail chengn@sfu.ca or minty@sfu.ca.
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