Summer Vacation, Eh?

Marinko Sarunic

Wow, was that a great (NOT!) summer, I wished that it would never end (as opposed to "I thought it would never end"). Laying under that giant fiery ball in the sky (the sun) the only thing I worked on was my tan. Overall my summer was quiet and relaxing (not anymore...I think STRESS is the proper word) but there was one very exciting week ...

Well, actually this weekend we were ... swimming in the Okanagan Lake. It was ... so there were very few people on the beach. Anyways, it was that day that I saw the ... Ogopogo. I saw his ("his"?, you mean I wasn't Politically Correct?) face, it was ancient (like vacuum tube technology), and it hid it's eyes from the sun as though it was not used to the radiant light (definetely an ENSC student). Well, obviously (as nothing is anymore) I was ...

Well I think that fills my quota for the mandatory Enscquire article. I just want to remind you how fun summer used to be. Summer can be fun again. Just remember, if someone asks you "Wanna come over and study?" just say "NO!" (and go swimming).

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