Why Engineering?

Kim Zipursky, EUSS First Year Representative

So here I am starting a challenging (read as grueling) degree after a four-year visit to the 'real world'. People keep asking me, "Why engineering?". All I can say is that I've carefully considered the alternatives and they were NOT acceptable. Join me now for a guided tour through the classified section, as seen by the unskilled-job hunter...

Advancement opportunity Crap job
Entry level Really a crap job
No experience necessary The mother of all crap jobs
Progressive company Employees get to wear jeans every other Friday
Upbeat personality Must neither threaten us with a lawsuit nor use the drug & alcohol rehab benefit within the first year
Public relations Receptionist
Professional appearance important $20 K/year job that requires a $100 K/year wardrobe
Jeans job! Minimum wage temp job in concentration camp conditions
Civil service This job was filled from the inside six months ago
Tons of variety! We took all the heinous tasks no other employee would do and rolled them into one job
Top-notch communication skills Telemarketing
Beautiful offices/attractive location Brand new ticky-tacky windowless building where the picture frames all match the carpeting
Salary range $24,000 to $32,000 The salary is $24,000
Salary commensurate We'll pay you whatever the hell we feel like
Competitive starting salary Ten cents above minimum wage
Pleasant atmosphere A staff of pod people
Professional atmosphere Zombie pod people
Fun, creative atmosphere Pod people from hell
Dynamic atmosphere Zombie pod people from hell

This insightful guide to ad-ese was published in the April 1995 issue of LUMPEN and was written by Kathryn Carmony.

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