We were given the booklet full of things to find, questions to answer, directions to follow and rules to break right at the start. But there were other events at Midnight Madness which started after certain times: the Treasure Hunt, Trek of Madness, the Bard, Theatre Sports, Slurpee Drinking Races, and many others. The treasure hunt was an insane and arduous journey all over the Lower Mainland to search for clues leading to the elusive Iron Ring at the end. Most teams got very stuck on the first clue, deciphering it only after hours of careful consideration (also they found other things to do). There was, however, one team who managed to finish the course and return triumphantly with the ring. Naturally, they had to win the event.
The Trek of Madness was basically a car rally for which you drove around and answered carefully coded questions about the locations through which you were travelling. Team A whipped through the race, a full half hour ahead of the closest competitors (if you don't count the bribes). And how could they go wrong with me on the team, I ask you? Team A also obliterated the competit-ion in the Bard, Theatre Sports, and the Slurpee Drinking contest.
We also had our secret weapon, Sparky the Squirrel, who became almost every item on the Scavenger Hunt list: roadkill, a live squirrel, flying squirrel, fuzzy dice, a toupee, a ski mask... the possibilities are endless. One team member even put a tattoo of Sparky on his arm. But even with such power on our side, the seemingly victorious
Team A were stripped of their title and claims to fame by Teams B and E. Alas, it was not our fate to be recognized by the judges or given the credit we deserved (sob). But for all those fellow team members out there, I would like to offer a small consolation: Sparky and the tradition will always live on to inspire future generations of Team A members... And next time, Rob can yell at the jud-ges until they comply.
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