The SPAC will be held at the SFU Halpern Centre on October the 27th from 11am to 5pm. Lunch will be provided with admission. Keep an eye out for the posters and promotions! We are looking to top last year's attendance so come out and bring a friend.
After lunch, we had a group discussion on why we joined the IEEE and how we were elected to be Chair, and solved a couple of case studies. Sunday morning, we had presentations from all the schools in attendance. The presentations were about what we did last year and what we plan on doing this year. There were some great ideas presented and our Student Branch will be looking into trying some of these new events this year. After lunch, I caught the 4PM flight back to Vancouver. All in all, it was a very fast moving weekend.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest association of professionals in our field in the world. Student membership application forms can be obtained through Garson Ho (IEEE Vice-Chair); student membership for one year works out to be around C$42 per year, and includes regular newsletters, subscription to IEEE Spectrum, the opportunity to join specialty associations, and (most importantly!) FREE admission to pizza/pop/movie nights sponsored by your local IEEE Student Branch. -- Ed.
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