Anyone Want These Shoes?

Morgan Chambers, EUSS Prez

As October draws to a close, I look back on the month and think, "Geez, we did a lot!" Over the last month the EUSS did a commiseration / we've-been-there class with the first years, had a pizza and pop night, organized a tour for students attending the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) conference, held the yearly EUSS retreat, made a presentation to the external review committee, and attended the APEGBC annual general meeting in Nanaimo.

Wow! All that and homework too!

Being busy organizing activities last month caused me to rediscover my maximum stress level and sorely tax the patience of my roommates with my shrewish behaviour. But, hey, October is over, so are midterms and its all smooth sailing from here! Right? Now that I've updated you on what the EUSS has been up to, let me ask you something. Do you want people to respect you, ask your opinion, and look to you for direction, wisdom and guidance? Would you like to travel to far off exotic places? Let me tell you, this life could be yours! My final full-time semester is drawing to a close and with it my term as President. As I start the transition to a full time, leave-my-work-at-the-office person, the EUSS is looking for that special person to lead them through to the spring elections. That's right! You could be President! Not for a day, not for a month, but for a whole semester! Think of the prestige! The power! The glory! (The sucking up of the peons!)

The spring is a great semester to be president. You get to attend WECC, be the first one into the pond for Polar Plunge, attend CEC (which we're hosting this year), and schmooze at Op Fair. Not to mention all the regular perks like your own column in the Enscquire. Just think, a whole page reserved for your inspiring words and deepest most intellectual thoughts. All this could be yours! If you feel you have what it takes to live such a glamorous life, talk to one of your friendly and highly accessible EUSS members. The official election isn't until January, but if you are informed about the position, and ready to step in and take charge, everyone will be so impressed that you'll be a shoo-in for the position.

Don't forget! Act now before someone usurps your place!

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