As a student member of the IEEE, you will be able to join the many societies within the IEEE at a discounted rate. Societies such as the Computer Society, Circuits and Systems, and Consumer Electronics. (There is a very wide range of societies --Ed.) Each society usually will send out a magazine, conference call for papers, and a Transactions publication for little or no extra cost. The Transactions publication will be a collection of up-to-date research papers dealing with subjects important to each societey. For example, the Transactions of the Consumer Electronics society might have papers on High Definition Television Encoding techniques. Beyond the publications and societies, the IEEE could help you find a job through networking, come to the many IEEE SFU Student Branch activities for free or at a discounted rate, and the IEEE also hands out money for scholarships and student paper contests. How do you sign up? well, you can obtain a membership application from me ( or Garson Ho ( Come out to the Pizza and Pop nights and we will have applications on hand. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and I will try to answer all your questions.
Student membership only is approx. $42 CDN (actual prices are in US funds), cost with one society is $54 CDN, and cost with two societies is $66 CDN annually.
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