EUSS By-Elections
The EUSS Prez, Morgan Chambers, finally decided that enough was enough, so she's not around any more to continue in the reins of being President. (Actually she's just graduating.)
A By-Election was held on Friday, January 19. Surprisingly, nobody was too keen on being Prez for a semester, so Stephen Lam, the only candidate won hands down in the Yes/No vote.
Since Stephen previously held the position of VP Internal, Simon Ng was voted in as the new VP Internal. In other EUSS news, the other regular executives have all returned from co-op vacations (these are the folks you all voted for last spring).
A reminder that EUSS meetings are open to all ENSC students. They are currently scheduled for 11:30 every Fri-day in the ENSC library. Minutes from each meeting are posted on the EUSS bulletin board, outside the EUSS office at the bottom of the stairwell (just under Steve Whitmore's office).
Next Issue...
Looking back through old issues, I noticed that February 1996 will mark the 5 year anniversary of Enscquire. To commemorate this, the February issue will include a walk down memory lane. So dust those old issues, and let me know if there are any memories you'd like to share. Send the editor email at (Or just minty if you are mailing from a fraser account.)<{?
Mr. Ed. Speaks
Once again, it is time for the regular edition of Mr. Ed. Speaks, where the Enscquire editor takes you behind-the-scenes into the making of the Enscquire.
Well, not really. Actually, most of you have probably figured out by now that what I really use this space for is to incessantly beg for volunteers. (This kind of thing looks great on a resume!) Why break with tradition, I ask. Please contact me (the editor at if you are interested in any of the following:
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