Spirit of ME in ASME at SFU: ASME Logo Competition
Dr. Shahram Payandeh, Professor, SFU Engineering
The ASME Student Chapter at SFU invites all interested students to participate in a design competition. The purpose is to select the design which
best represents the spirit of ME in research and education that is being conducted at our School of Engineering Science.
Some of these research areas are:
- Computer Controlled Mechanisms
- Robotics
- Autonomous Wheel-Chair design
- Prosthetic Hands
- Dexterous multi-fingered robotic end-effectors
- Laparoscopic and endoscopic tools
- Modular structures
- Mobile robots
- Aerial robots
- Computer-Aided Design
- Computer-Aided Manufacturing
- Control of Electro-Mechanical Systems
- Space robotics
- Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS)
- Underwater Vehicles
- Master/Slave robotic systems
- Tele-Robotics
The deadline for entries is May 1st 1996. The judging committee will consist of ASME members of British Columbia Chapters from SFU, UBC, UVic and local industries. The winner will receive an award of $100 as a token of appreciation from ASME British Columbia Section. The final design will be adapted in all future SFU/ASME correspondence and activities. This competition is open to all students, but SFU-ASME student members in particular are highly encouraged to participate.
Just a reminder that first year students can join ASME for free.
Please submit your designs to:
Dr. Shahram Payandeh
Experimental Robotics Laboratory
School of Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
Phone: 291-4290
e-mail: shahram@cs.sfu.ca
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