Life of a Forum and First Year Rep

Robert Trost

For those of you who don't know who I am I'd like to introduce myself, and for those of you who do know me I'd like to say hi. I'm currently one of the two First Year Reps on the EUSS. Entering university in September, I figured that university life would be more enjoyable if I became involved. For that reason, I went gung-ho into the First Week events, and subsequently ran for and claimed the position of a First Year Rep. Then, after a full semester of listening to Gordon Morrison beg people to take the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) Forum position, I decided maybe I should give it a try.

I probably initially took the forum position for some of the wrong reasons (money). Yes, it is true, the SFSS (your student activity fee) does pay me a monthly stipend for sitting in on the meetings and taking two SFSS committee positions. But, after receiving a small surprise scholarship in the mail, I'm no longer as worried about the money, and more interested in doing whatever I can to serve my fellow Engineering students as best I can.

Now that I have sat through two 4+ hour SFSS Forum meetings, I would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone about what is happening with the Student Society.

First, as we come into an election, it appears that the current SFSS Treasurer is making an attempt to buy the vote. At the last meeting the Treasurer, Frank Karabotsos, attempted to pass a few motions. One motion sought to double the Student Union Core Budget from $200 to $400, and another sought to increase the 1996 Clubs' funding. Both motions were sent to committee for further consideration. As well, he attempted to reaffirm a motion from last year to have Quad Books and the Printshop target for a 4% surplus over revenues. The fact that these motions were neither passed nor defeated goes to show how little really gets accomplished in the long, drawn-out political meetings.

The major item brought up at the previous two meetings concerns a major change in the structure of the SFSS. As many of you may not know, the SFSS Pub, PrintShop, and Quad Books have all been losing money. How can a university pub lose money you may ask? The believed cause is that the students sitting on the Student Services committee really have no idea what running a business involves. For this and many other reasons, one of our engineering grad students, Dennis Michaelson, and the SFSS Treasurer combined their efforts to create a report discussing the hiring of a full time Director of Operations for the SFSS. In a nutshell, the Director of Operations position would give a non-student control over the day-to-day operations of the SFSS and its services, while still leaving the decision making power in the hands of the Forum. If you are interested in reading the report, please contact me, and I will email you a copy. Since there will be a vote on the position in the near future, I would like to get as much input as possible from the students I represent.

So, other than the regular engineering homework load, that is generally what I've been doing with my time. If you have any questions, comments, or queries about the SFSS or EUSS, I'd be pleased to speak with you.

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