from the editor's desk
aaron bingham, vp publications

Greetings! At long last another Enscquire has emerged from the void. Enscquires have become a bit irregular lately for a number of reasons:
(1) A lack of communication between succeeding VP's.
(2) A general lack of student participation.
(3) My own lack of organization.
(4) A whole string of technical difficulties.
The Enscquire is your magazine. It is up to you, as engineering students, to make it great or make it dull. In an effort to get the magazine back on its feet, next month's issue will feature several new columns. Some ideas are:

Entreprenur of the Month : interviews with successful entreprenurs in engineering-related businesses.
Technology in Society: a look at the wide-ranging impact (for better and worse) that technologies have on society and the environment at large.
CD reviews
Timely news on special events will keep you up-to date on what's happening in the EUSS and in the engineering community.
Feature articles on the state of technology.
Cartoons. (anyone wanna draw?)

Of course, none of these things will be possible without your help. I'm always on the lookout for interesting projects, foriegn travels, exciting new technologies or products, cool music, opinions, etc. etc. etc. So if you have anything interesting to write about, or know someone who does, don't hesitate to let me know.

I'm also always on the look out for neat photos of engineers, at work or at play (within good taste, of course).

We welcome feedback and comments at
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