from the editor's desk
aaron bingham, vp publications

I want to start by thanking all the writers who have helped make this the best Enscquire of my term as editor. I appreciate the time and effort each one of them put into their articles. This issue is loaded with news about all the great things that have been going on in Engineering Science.

Congratulations to all those that represented SFU at WECC. You did us proud! For such a small school to win X out of Y competitions is a testament to the ability and spirit of the students here. I hope this is just the beginning of many more competitions in which SFU will dominate, as it should. I can't wait to here back from our CEC delegation!

Polar Plunge was a great success once again, and the painter suits added an extra flair.

In case you ever wondered where that E-gator on the front cover, Eric Minty gives the low-down in this issue. I hope you find it entertaining; I sure did.

Anyway, have a blast reading this issue. I hope it's as much of a joy to read as it was to put together. Good luck on your finals.

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