The Computer Engineering option offers students the opportunity to specialize in the popular area of computer hardware and software. Students graduating from this option are prepared to face the increasing challenges presented by hardware and software in the modern computer and electronics industries. Further, graduates from this option will have a versatile background so that they can successfully perform in other areas of Engineering such as Communications and Instrumentation.
The program begins with a thorough background in the fundamentals of analog and digital electronics, computer architecture, and networks and communications. Project oriented courses are offered during the early part of this program to provide students with theory and practice. At more advanced levels, subjects include structured programming, software engineering, compilers, operating systems, intelligent systems, embedded systems, real-time systems, and VLSI systems.
Exciting opportunities abound for designing with state-of-the-art Field Programmable Logic chips or even designing your own custom integrated circuits. Complete systems-on-a-chip are becoming routine.
Typical careers are: