Final Call for Participation NONLINEAR DYNAMICS OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS An International Specialist Workshop organized by the Department of Measurement and Information Systems Technical University of Budapest, Hungary in association with the IEEE CAS Society IEEE CAS Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee Hungarian National Committee for Technological Development (OMFB) European Circuits Society The sixth annual workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'98) will be hosted by the Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Technical University of Budapest, in Budapest, Hungary, on 16--18 July, 1998. The workshop will address theoretical and practical issues in nonlinear electronic devices, circuits and systems, with an emphasis on dynamic behaviour, chaos and complexity. The official language of the workshop will be English. The technical programme will consist of plenary lectures by experts in selected areas, along with papers and posters submitted by the participants. The papers presented at the oral and poster sessions will be not distinguished in the Conference Proceedings. Every contributor of the poster session entitled ``Nonlinear Signal Processing'' will have a few minutes at a plenary session to present the main highlights of his/her work. Prospective authors should send five copies of camera ready manuscript formated according to the NDES'98 style file to: Dr. Geza Kolumban Department of Measurement and Information Systems Technical University of Budapest H-1521 Budapest, HUNGARY The author's kit and latest information are available at the NDES'98 website: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's schedule Deadline for submission of full papers : March 5, 1998 Notification of acceptance : April 20, 1998 Deadline for camera-ready manuscript : May 25, 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference Secretariat: E-mail: Tel: +36 -- 1 463 2057 Fax: +36 -- 1 463 4112 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientific Committee Leon O. Chua - University of California of Berkeley Anthony Davies - King's College, University of London Alexander Dmitriev - Russian Academy of Sciences Martin Hasler - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Michael Peter Kennedy - University College Dublin Geza Kolumban - Technical University of Budapest Erik Lindberg - Technical University of Denmark Josef Nossek - Technical University of Munich Wolfgang Schwarz - Technical University of Dresden Maciej Ogorzalek - Univ. Mining & Metallurgy, Krakow Angel Rodriguez-Vazquez - University of Seville --------------------------------------------------------------------- Background NDES'98 is the sixth in a series of international specialist workshops on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, the first of which took place in Dresden in 1993. From its origins as the first technical meeting to have taken place in the territory of the former East Germany, NDES has blossomed into a truly international event, the largest of its kind in Europe. Following the first successful meeting in 1993, further workshops were organized in Krakow, Poland (1994), Dublin, Ireland (1995), Seville, Spain (1996), and Moscow, Russia (1997). NDES'98 will take place in Budapest, Hungary. In each case, the venue was chosen by a standing Scientific Committee, taking into account bids from locations where there is local expertise and interest in nonlinear dynamics, and a willingness by local volunteers to organize the workshop. More than fifteen nationalities have been represented each year, with participants coming from Europe, the US, and Japan. The audience has grown steadily from fifty in 1993 to over one hundred in 1997. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives The goal of NDES is to bring together engineers, mathematicians, and physicists from across Europe in a low-cost informal setting to address open nonlinear problems in Electronics. Recent successes of the NDES workshops include advances in the theory of digital filters, sigma-delta modulators and phase-locked loops, the development of computer-aided analysis and synthesis tools for nonlinear systems, design rules for RF oscillators, nonlinear signal processing techniques, novel chaotic communications strategies, and nonlinear building blocks for analog signal processing. The technical programme of NDES consists of plenary lectures by experts in selected areas, along with papers and posters contributed by the participants. The poster session entitled ``Nonlinear Signal Processing'' will provide a forum for discussion of latest results in every aspects of nonlinear signal processing. The papers presented at the oral and poster sessions will not be distinguished in the Conference Proceedings. Every contributor of the poster session will have a few minutes at a plenary session to present the main highlights of his/her work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-registration To add your name to the NDES'98 mailing list please fill and return the pre-registration form available at ---------------------------------------------------------------------