presidential ponderings
matt stewart, president

Another summer semester with an Enscquire to welcome it. Thanks to Tim for twisting everyone’s arm into writing articles. We will publish almost anything, so if you have any material, pass it on to Tim and you will be published. If your material has something to do with engineering that's great, if not even better. It's good if we can see interests beyond this department. If you find something interesting, there is a good chance that someone else will too. Without your articles, this Enscquire is nothing more than a cover.

Enough of that. Now that summer is here and the sun is out we have an opportunity to go out and enjoy the great outdoors. To facilitate that we will be providing you with a few great events such as Pool League and our Semesterly Indoor Volley Ball Tournament. Seriously, we are planning some BBQs and I was thinking about a few hikes, but Aaron beat me to it.

If you have any ideas for any events that you would like to see happen this summer, bring them to an EUSS meeting and we can probably help you out. The deal is simple. In exchange for letting all of your engineering friends show up, your event is funded. Some events that have been run this way in the past are indoor climbing and camping. Pretty much anything will do.

All of us here in Undergraduate Engineering make the EUSS what it is, come and help me make this our best summer ever.

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