Ol' Lucifer's Pilot

a pilot/lawyer joke

A funny thing happened on the way to the processing center the other day. The elevator doors to Hell opened and out walked a pilot.

"Big Red" was there to greet him and said, "Glad to meetcha! We hardly ever seem to get one of you down here, and -"

Just at that moment, a loud knocking was heard on the ceiling, and a booming voice, more than a little reminiscent of Charleton Heston, said, "Yo! Lucifer! You got one of my pilots by mistake. Now be a good little boy and put him back on the elevator".

Lucifer said, "No way! I got him, I keep him!"

God replied, "Put him back on the elevator, or I'm gonna sue you!"

And Lucifer replied, "Oh, yeah? Where you gonna get a lawyer?"

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