Taking The Reins

Erik Minty, EUSS VP Publications and Enscquire Editor-Guy

Well, it was a fun and exciting summer on co-op in the far-off land of Lougheed and Gaglardi (I just can't seem to get too far away from this place), but I've got to say, it's good to be back. Time to stretch those arms and flex those mental muscles, 'cause it's going to be a long road ahead. First off, I've got to extend a great big thanks (THANKS!) to Kevin who really took the bull by the horns as interim VP Publications and turned out a couple of stellar issues of Enscquire over the summer! (Including most of this one ...)

So now it falls unto me, to grab onto that bull (who's just getting started by the looks of things!) and keep the Enscquire tradition alive. To those of you who already know this, too bad. You get to hear it again. To those of you who are new to Engineering at SFU, this is my chance to tell you all that THIS IS YOUR NEWSPAPER! This means that, unless YOU write things and submit them to me (I prefer email: minty@sfu.ca), there won't be any Enscquire. (See bottom of p.5)

So take a quick look at our Enscquire policy (where did you put it Kevin?), and then write something! Write about your experiences, write a poem, draw a cartoon, anything! It doesn't need to be engineering-related, but if you can manage it, all the better. Just remember: this is your newspaper _ take pride in it, and make yourself a part of its history!

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