The week started off with a Check-In, during which each first year received a free T-shirt, a First Week Guide, a personalized business card, and their very first issue of the Enscquire. Then, after their MACM class, they were given a short speech by Morgan, our esteemed EUSS president. Fol-lowing this was a campus-wide scavenger hunt which many of the first years complained was too difficult. However, one team managed to do *extremely* well, most likely due to a certain mem-ber on that team who had gone through the same hunt before.
Wednesday was Gotcha! day, and many FY's came out to claim a water gun and a target, and they were off! There was a much better turnout this year than last for this event, and if the success grows, this may become an event that is extended to not just the FY's, but to other students as well. At night, Broomball was the sport and we had a turnout of twenty, almost triple what we had last year. We split up into a team of 4th Years and above against the young'uns, and the fresh legs of the more youthful team overcame the experience and cunning of the more mature Engineers.
On Thursday, the IEEE sponsored a free pizza, pop, and movie night, but unfortunately, the turnout wasn't quite as high as had been hoped. That was probably due to the event being in the evening, and most of the FY's had had a full day with a 4-hour Chem lab in the morning, followed by a fun, two hour class of MACM!
Finally, the week ended with the always entertaining and exciting Midnight Madness! This year, we only had one vehicular casualty, and it was nowhere near as spectacular as last year's! Some of the highlights include the ever-popular Slurpee boat race with its usual share of brain-freezes, an amazing display of theatrical talent with the Bard at Metrotown, and of course, the many
"treasures" brought in for the scavenger hunt. One of these was "Skippy the (Roadkill) Squirrel", and the Gross List was topped off by the ultimate in grossness (for details, speak with MB). Some of the best pictures from MM this year included one with several team members inside U.TV, and another selectively displaying the UBC 'Geers' "E". And this year, one of the teams was able to complete the Treasure Hunt, bringing in the Iron Ring just as the final judging was about to begin.
Overall, First Week was a lot of fun for everyone involved! We couldn't have done it without the help of all those who volunteered their time and services, especially the team leaders who (didn't get drunk and) provided guidance (and rides) to the first years.
I hope that next year, First Week is even bigger and better than it was this year! In order for that to happen, EVERYONE has to come out and lend a hand. That help can be anything from being a team leader or event organizer to providing a valuable idea on the kind of events that would be interesting to the first years. I encourage you all to send comments and suggestions about First Week to me (Garson _, and we can make next year's First Week the best one yet!
Finally, I would like to thank our friendly EUSS and our corporate sponsors (APEGBC, Hughes Aircraft, Simrad, and Spectrum) this year for their financial support, without which none of these events would have been possible!
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