1995 Exemplary Student Branch Award

Dr. C. R. Bolognesi
IEEE Student Branch Counselor


I have excellent news: The SFU IEEE Student Branch has been awarded a 1995 Exemplary Student Branch Award Certificate for its outstanding performance as an IEEE Student Branch. I have just received the certificate.

Our branch has traditionally been very dynamic with activities and benefits that go beyond "pizza & pop nites" - for example, consider the recently held Student Professional Awareness Conference.

IEEE is the largest professional society in the world, and it offers great services such as the IEEE Spectrum and Potentials magazines. Furthermore, IEEE publications set the standard for high-quality technical publications: joining a technical society allows one to keep on top of current technological breakthroughs in one's field - a "must-do" for engineers who wish to remain competitive.

All of this, and more, is available to student members at a great discount membership cost.

For those who have not yet done so - join IEEE, become a member of a hot society, and participate to the growth of an exceptional Student Branch. For more info and/or application forms see either Keith Cheung, Garson Ho, or myself.

Congratulations to everyone involved (past/present) with the Branch!

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