Enscyber Returns!

Kevin Cheng
Author / Artist of Enscyber

Enscyber (en-sigh-ber) n.
1. A comic book, soon to be published in Enscquire. Hopefully by Fall '96.
2. A research/engineering firm in aforementioned comic.
3. An alias used by Kevin Cheng.

Basically, Enscyber is a comic that I started drawing in first year when I still had time. Not to scare any first years or anything but time is something I no longer have much of. But I digress ... Enscyber will be starting up again and when it does, it will have no correlation whatsoever to the previous series.

The cover to this issue of Enscquire contains characters and details of just about everything that may appear in the pages of Enscyber in the near future. The story will be in the science-fiction genre. There really need not be much explanation as I will be starting from scratch. Sooo ... having fulfilled the almighty editor's wish to explain my little teaser, I'll stop mouthing off and get to the drawing.

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