RADARSAT: Remote Sensing Applications of SAR

Erik Minty
WECC Competitor
Explanatory Com'ns

About two weeks before WECC, I got word that one of the competitors (Joel Harms) was unable to attend owing to a skiing accident, so the mad dash was on to prepare a presentation for Explanatory Communications. The whole idea of this category is to explain a complex technical topic so that the general public can understand.

I already knew what I wanted to present. While researching my paper for 106 last semester, I came across quite a bit of information about RADARSAT, a satellite recently launched by Canada which uses a radar system for earth observation (aka. remote sensing).

After a couple of trips to the library, some discussion with Dr. Bird (who was more than helpful), and a little bit of poking around on the Web, I had all the information I needed.

Even though I actually finished my research on the flight to Regina and never really had time to rehearse my speech, I guess the judge liked it, and I ended up with first prize in the category.

If you are interested in seeing me compete at CEC this week, I would love to see you come out (no heckling from the audience please!)

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