special announcements

ENSC Yearbook?!

That's right folks, for the first time ever, SFU Engineering is going to have their very own Annual. No, not a space in someone else's Annual. We're talking our very own, 64 page with 8 pages of colour yearbook!

Tentatively, we will have Sports, Faculty, Events, Competitions, Mug Shots and plenty of other coverage. Response for help has been great but we could always use more. If you are interested, join the ensc-yearbook mailing list or e-mail Kevin Cheng at chengn@sfu.ca or Fred Ghahramani at fghahram@sfu.ca. Meetings are currently held on Fridays at 15:30 in the cloakroom so feel free to drop by!

Interim VPs

For those of you who missed the by-election results, the new VP Academic is Cheryl McDonald and VP Pop is Michael Maruno. Congratulations to both of them and we hope the other candidates will continue supporting the EUSS.

Also of note is our newly elected 1st Year Reps, Amy Lu and Julie Delisle.

Of course, those of you who have just come in this year will no doubt wonder who the rest of the executives are so here it is:

        President          Stephen Lam
        VP Academic        Cheryl Mcdonald
        VP Elec. Comm.     Benjamin Ko
        VP Events          Frances Chan
        VP External        Keith Cheung
        VP Finance         Lalit Nathawad
        VP Internal        Bill Ressl
        VP Merchandise     Gerry Larson
        VP Pop             Michael Maruno
        VP Publications    Kevin Cheng
        VP Social          Jeff Tilton
        VP Univ. Affairs   Gordon Morrison
        1st Year Rep       Amy Lu
        1st Year Rep       Julie Delisle
Our office hours are posted no the EUSS Office door and nearly up to date minutes on the EUSS board just outside. If you wish to see what we're up to, our meetings are on Thursdays at 4:30 in the cloak room (just inside the front door of the upstairs lab).

We welcome feedback and comments at euss-all@sfu.ca
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