events and announcements

Last issue, we said that Keith Cheung was the VP External. This was a errr... typo (yeah, that's it). The one true VP External is Joel Harms.

Student Directory

So now that the first issue of Enscquire finally hit the stands, and you're reading the second issue, people have been asking where the student directory is. Well hopefully, by the time you're reading this, you already have your own copy of the directory that'll help you stalk keep in touch with your engineering buddies. If not, well expect it soon!

If you find any mistakes in the directory, report it to the editor ( and hopefully, it will be remedied next issue.

More Articles!

It looks like the Enscquire is gaining a number of regular columns and writers. This is always a good thing for an editor. Nevertheless, we want more more more! The third and final issue of the semester is going to be pretty close to the skiing and x-mas season so if anyone has any ideas for articles or just want to tell everyone about those alpine trips you're planning, send 'em in!

The best form of submission is through e-mail. Failing that, you can give any EUSS executive a floppy with a Word or ASCII text file. Old-fashioned paper also works. Just drop it off in the EUSS suggestion box or to an executive.

Deadline for submissions is the end of the semester but if you can't make that, submit anyways! There's always the first issue of 1997.

Next Issue

What's next? Well we've got our regular ensemble of Da Prez Sez, Flight Line, Web Threads and CD Reviews.

On top of that, we have the continuation of Stephen Lam's Yokohama Exchange Program and maybe another Deep Thoughts column. Also expect to see a report on the EUSS retreat.

What else? Well that depends on YOU. Get those articles in!

We welcome feedback and comments at
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