the essef
sean donovan, essef co-founder

Hmm, it's been a busy few months. The Engineering Science Student Endowment Fund (ESSEF) has been been officially signed into existance just a few weeks ago. This is great news for you, the Engineering Student, why?

Well, you get to apply for funding for your student project.

Are you taking ENSC 370? Or another course in which you are required to do a project? Then ESSEF has money for you.

Are you thinking of competing in an electronics competition? Give the Macro Dog "Cujo" a new leash on life? Then ESSEF has money for you.

Do you have a new product idea but need some money to test it? Then the ESSEF has money for you.

Where and when does this all start? In the spring of 1998 but we need you to help put money into the endowment fund first. Not your money, but corporate sponsors.

And why should corporate sponsors donate? Well, the first reason is because they will be hiring you, and if you can say you have had at least a little hands-on experience with a project of your own, all the more chance of beating out the competition.

Industry can also find students in engineering for their projects and get the students to put forth proposals.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I get funding?
    Submit a proposal within the first three weeks of the semester starting next semester, Spring 1998.

2. What do I put in the proposal?
    There will be an example proposal posted in the undergraduate lounge sometime during this fall semester.

3. When do I get my money?
    If your proposal makes it through the Funding Council (which consists of three students, one faculty and one alumnus) and your proposal satisfies other checks, then you will have your money in the fourth of fifth week of the semester.

If you have any other questions, you think should be on the FAQ e-mail me. If you are interested in helping out with the funding raising effort so you have money to spend, please join our fund raising team. We expect to have close to $40,000 invested this year, and hope to have approximately $600 to spend on projects in the spring of 1998. Not much, but that's why ESSEF needs you.

Sean Donovan was recently awarded the EUSS award for his
hard work as VP University Affairs and Co-founder of the ESSEF.

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