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Historical Details

The EnSc website has been through many iterations over the years. As content was transitioned from one management system to another, various legacy sites were put up under names prefixed by 'www2' or 'www3' in order to allow access to the old material.

This particular site, was mainly a front-end to content kept in an in-house content management system developed by the Centre for Systems Science at SFU in the 1990's. This Centre has long since been disbanded, the content-management system is no longer maintained, and EnSc is now using centrally maintained web services. Access to this material has now been removed in order to prevent people from getting confused by old information.

So, why not just remove this site?

Well, it still contains access to some old content in the filesystem that is needed. If what you're looking for falls into this category and you can't find it, please e-mail our Help Desk at
Last modified: Mon Jul 29 16:10:38 PDT 2013