ENSC-380, Spring 2009

Linear Systems

Most of the Course materials are now on WebCT. Some can still be found here as well.

Useful Links:

  • TextBook's Homepage
  • Concept Simulators
  • Refresher on Complex Numbers

    Course Description:
    This is an introductory course in signal and systems, for both continuous and discrete time. Major topics to be covered include mathematical description and properties of signals, time-domain analysis, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, signal/system analysis based on Fourier Transform, sampling of continuous-time signal, discrete-Fourier transform.


  • Atousa HajShirMohammadi
  • Office: ASB-9833
  • Email: atousah@sfu.ca
  • Office Hours: Wed. 10 am - 12 pm
    Please discuss any course related questions in person and during office hours. Email inquiries should be made only in urgent cases when you are not able to come to school.

    Teaching Assistants:

    Your TAs will hold their office hours in the Computer Lab 10809 located on the 10000 level of ASB Atrium.

    Name Office Hours Email Location
    Mahin Torki Thu 1 - 2 PM mta33@sfu.ca Lab 10809
    Moslem Kazemi Thu 2 - 3 pm moslemk@sfu.ca Lab 10809


    Tuesdays 11:30 - 12:30 pm, AQ-3154
    Thursdays 10:30 - 12:30 pm, AQ-3150

    Required Text Book:

  • M. J. Roberts, Signals and systems: analysis using transform methods and MATLAB, McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition, 2004, ISBN 0-07- 249942-7 web: http://www.mhhe.com/roberts
  • TextBook's Homepage


  • H. P. Hsu, Schaum's outline of signals and systems, McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition, 1995, ISBN 0-07-030641-9

    Evaluation Process:
    Your knowledge of ENSC-380 will be assessed during the semester through:

  • Assignments and Quizzes : You will hand in several Assignments and Matlab Assignments during this semester. Check WebCT .
  • One Midterm : You will write one midterm test on February 19th . The material covered during the lectures and pre-quiz problems up to the last week before the test, will be included in the test.
  • One Final : You will write one final test at the end of the semester (April 20 ). Your final exam will cover all the material covered during the semester, with more emphasis on the after-midterm sections.

    Important Dates:

  • Midterm: Thursday February 19, Lecture time
  • Final Exam: April 20, 8:30 - 11:30 AM

    Grading Policy:

  • Assignments: 15% (your lowest mark will be dropped)
  • Midterm: 30% or 35% (chosen to result in higher total mark for each student)
  • Final exam: 55% or 50% (chosen to result in higher total mark for each student)
    Grading policy is fixed and will not be changed for individual students, other than based on what is explained above

    Policy on Missed Exams:
    To avoid loss of credit, missed exams should be supported by legitimate and clearly written documents.

    For medical cases, you need to provide me with a strong note from your physician stating that you were absolutely not able to to attend your test on the specific date. Furthermore, SFU Medical Form should also be completed by your physician.

    The grading weight for missed exams supported by legitimate reasons will be added to the rest of your tests. Other wise, missed exams will be given zero credit. Makeup exams will not be held.

    Academic Honesty:
    To follow SFU's "Code of Academic Honesty", no act of academic dishonesty and plagiarism will be tolerated in this course. To understand and be able to avoid plagiarism, students are strongly recommended to complete the tutorial listed below, and read and understand the related SFU Policies listed at the end of the tutorial.
    Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism: A Self-Directed Tutorial