Competitors compete in one of five categories: Entrepreneurial Design, Corporate Design, Editorial Communications, Explanatory Communications, and debate (for a description of these events, see Jay's article, I'm too lazy). The top three finishers get cash prizes, and the top two get to compete at CEC (the Canadian Engineering Competition). This year SFU is sending a strong team to WECC so we have good representation in front of the hometown crowd for CEC.
The team is anchored by a strong representation in Entrprenurial Design. Chad Kendall will present his new design for transmission of audio signals via infrared radiation. Ron Racine will present his thesis on quality information systems.
In corporate desgin, Joel Harms will be presenting his ENSC370 project, the muscle tension sensor. This sensor has already met with good reveiws at the SFU open house, and was according to Andrew Rawicz "wery impressive". [In late breaking news, Joel met with an unfortunate ski accident and will be unable to attend.] Mark Beore, no stranger to competition, will present opto-electonic switching in biomedical appications. Paul Helter will dazzle the judges with his presentation on the emulation while at Spectrum. With a team like this, SFU could easily finish 1,2,3 in this category.
In Explanatory Communications, "Terrible" Ted Wilson will dazzle the judges by discussing neutral atom trapping and its effects on laser technology. (I have absolutely no idea what this means, but it sure as hell sounds cool). Erik Minty will deftly describe Canada's RADARSAT and the concept of Synthetic Aperture Radar.
Finally our team will be rounded out by our seasoned corp of debaters. (see sidebar on the debate). On the Nth year team our hard core "Clansmen" (kilts included) Bredon Wilson and James Kerry bring long debating experience to the team, while our first year team, Matt Geirc and Chris Bergstrom bring scathing wit, youthful exuberence and strong livers. For more exiting debate action, don't miss the pre-WECC practice session soon to be announced.
Good luck to all our competitors!
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