First off Matt and Chris squared off against Nakul (and a stand-in James Kerry) in the battle of the first years. Chris and Matt valiantly defended the merits of other numbering systems against the evil hemogony of base ten on the road to victory.
In the Nth year title match Georgio Bombelli and James Sutherland took on James Kerry and Brendon Wilson. The premise: Wile E. Coyote deserves to catch the roadrunner. Arguments ranged over the entire spectrum of modern thought and philosophy encompassing the environment, economics and an intense discussion of natural order. Despite some of the best heckling I have ever seen, Georgio and James lost to the experience of James and Brendon.
Thanks to all the comptetitors for coming out and putting on a great show. A special thanks to Steve Whitmore and Jacques Vaisey who did an excellent job of judging, and to Kelly Fennig, our most honorable chair.
This will be a yearly event from now on, so sharpen your wits! ENSC Debate II is coming Januray 1997.
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