Current Lab Members
Lab Director - Lesley Shannon
I'm interested in all sorts of non-traditional computer design. As the lab director, I have supervised all of the lab members (past and present), participating in all of the projects described below in some capacity. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly or visit my website.
School of Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6
Office: ASB 8819
Voice: (778) 782-7672
FAX: (778) 782-4951
Veronica Cojocaru (MASc)
She is working on the µROAMS (Microfluidic Reconfigurable On-site Analyser for Multiplexed Samples) project, researching how to control the system through an FPGA. She is using the FPGA to actuate magnetic microvalves as well as control various sensors.
Farnaz Gharibian (PhD)
She is working on CAD algorithms, Specifically FPGA placement algorithms.
Dan Hilbich (MASc)
He is developing bi-stable MEMs devices for use in a programmable large-scale microvalve array for applications in microfluidics. The devices consist of a bi-stable latch and actuator pair, and will improve the reliability and power consumption of previous valve designs by allowing them to latch.
Zia Jalali (MASc)
He is working on the PolyBlaze project. The aim of the project is to add SMP support to MicroBlaze processor. His contribution to the project is to create a new L1 cache for the MicroBlaze that supports coherency protocols. In addition to the L1 cache, He is creating arbiter modules that maintain coherency between L1 caches.
Eric Matthews (PhD)
He is working on the creation of a simulator and CAD tool flow for a new reconfigurable architecture based on microfluidics.
Mohammad Mohammadnia (MASc)
He is working on numerical analysis and implementation of fixed-pint FD-OCT system on FPGA and GPGU.