Moallem Mechatronic
Systems Engineering Simon
Fraser University 250
- 13450 102nd Avenue Surrey
BC, V3T 0A3, Canada Ph:
778.782.8156 Fax: 778.782.7514 Email: mmoallem AT sfu DOT ca NOTE TO POTENTIAL GRADUATE APPLICANTS: Thank
you for visiting this webpage. Please note that due to a large number of
inquiries about graduate studies, I (and perhaps other professors) may not
be able to reply to you in a timely manner. If you make an inquiry about
graduate studies, I will contact you to submit an application only if all
the following conditions are satisfied: (i)
I have, or expect to have, enough research funds to provide
research assistantship. Alternatively, if you have a scholarship (e.g.,
from a government or a company) and meet all other admission requirements,
please indicate it in your inquiry. (ii)
I can commit time for supervision of new graduate students. I
normally work very closely with my graduate students by getting highly involved
in their research projects. Therefore, I have a limit in terms of the
number of graduate students that I can admit. (iii)
You have strong analytical and practical skills relevant to my
currently active research areas (see my research page). This is evidenced
by your GPA from a recognized university, field of study, courses taken,
and high-quality publications in distinguished journals or conferences. (iv)
Your GPA must be high enough for admission to SFU (at least 3 out
of 4) and you must have Proof of English proficiency as determined by the
Faculty of Graduate Studies of the university. For more details please
visit the following site: http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/graduate-students/admissions/how-to-apply.html.