the best in the west beat the rest
unknown writer

The western schools had a breakthrough year at the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC), and SFU was no exception. CEC is an event typically dominated by eastern schools, but this year six of the twelve western teams placed in their respective categories.

Entrepreneurial Design is the most hotly contested category at CEC, and our very own Josh Joshi finished second place with an ENSC370 project titled Brake Sense. The Extemporaneous Debate category saw SFU position two teams in the top four with Scott Logie and Bill England finishing first overall, and Natisha Joshi and Mark Boere placing fourth.

Next year WECC will be in Victoria, and CEC will be in London, Ontario. With the low travel cost to Victoria, and SFU hosting the year after, the EUSS will be hoping to send a large delegation to WECC 2000 so be ready.

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