Electrical Engineering Purity Test

Found on the internet, this EE Purity Test is (c)1994 Nabeel Ibrahim

This test consists of 50 yes/no questions to test your Electrical Engineering Purity. You score 1 point for each "Yes" and 0 points for each "No," except where noted.

Total Score = your score for question k

Mail any comments/suggestions to: ibrahim@leland.stanford.edu

Scoring Scale:

00-15 Go back to your English class.

15-25 Either you have a life or you are an underclassman/woman.

25-35 You can feel your life slipping through your fingers as you get sucked into the world of Electrical Engineering. It could be worse...you could be in CS.

35-45 You should definitely go to grad school in EE.

45-72 You are a lost cause. You're the EE equivalent of Carl Sagan. Please do not contact me... ever.

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