Polar Plunge Wrapup

The seasons come and go and so has our sixth annual Polar Plunge. On Monday we ran our donation booths for our cause was good. Throughout the week we maintained our positions for our hearts were good. And on Friday, we gathered and showed our solidarity as we marched forward as a unit towards the SFU pond. Then we showed our stupidity by jumping in.

Last year we marvelled everyone with our grit and determination and managed to set a new record of $1900 for the Variety Club. This year we again rose to meet the challenge and raised an unprecedented $2331.

The next day, Kevin Henderson, Jerry Larson, Chris Peake and I met to go down to the Variety Club Telethon and present our cheque on the air. I thought we should wear our ever stylish ENSC wear yet Kevin and Jerry decided we had to dress up. And so we arrived at the Variety Club Telethon, cheque in hand, Jerry and I smartly dressed while Kevin was wearing a full suit and enough fruity cologne to drown a herring.

The Telethon was all I could imagine and more! The bright lights, the stellar performances and the stars! Who would have imagined that I would be able to see celebrities like Wayne Cox, the Bionic Woman and Mary Anne from Gilligan's Island a mere dozen meters away. That's almost just like meeting them. Next I knew, there I was standing in line with Jerry and Kevin by my side waiting to go on Television with Chris Peake watching anxiously from the stands. I wanted to make a good impression and was thankful for our proper attire. Then it happened, we were on TV! And then our thirty second moment of stardom came to a climax as John Mckeachie said "Well they don't look like dorks."

"Well they don't look like dorks."

Finally I would like to thank all the people who helped make Polar Plunge such a huge success. Kevin Henderson for doing the bull work of the organization, Janey in first year for designing our colouring contest, all our sponsors SFU Dining Services, Red Robin, Grouse Mountain and Boston Pizza, the CFOX Fox for coming out and showing support for our cause, Chris Peake for watching us at the Variety Club Telethon and everyone who helped run the donation booths, setup and of course donated money to the Variety Club. Congratulations Engineering. Good Work!

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