Pop Update

Well, for those of you who got all depressed when the 5-Alive suddenly disappeared from the pop machine, no worries! We just got apple juice by mistake, and 5-Alive will be returning shortly.

Also in pop news, Simon Ng the VP Pop Guy informs us that since nobody is drinking the Sprite, it's going to be replaced by Raspberry Ginger Ale. And what's even better, we still have the cheapest pop on campus (probably anywhere) at $.70 each!

No Moms Here

Gord Morrison, the EUSS VP University Affairs, would like to offer the everpresent reminder that there is no eating or drinking allowed in the labs! We hate to be the bad guys, but we'd hate even more to lose the 24-hour lab access privileges that we enjoy.

Also, people are getting in the habit of leaving cafeteria dishes in the lounge. Gord complained bitterly at a recent EUSS meeting about the weird and wonderful things growing in the fridge. Just remember, somebody's got to clean it up, and we don't want Gord to start playing his bagpipes as punishment!

EUSS Interim VP's

Every semester, some of our EUSS executives disappear on co-op, so we have to hold by-elections to determine who will serve as interim VP's. And the winners were:

VP Electronic Communications
Jenni Merrifield (mott@sfu.ca)

VP Finance
Anthony Pun (pun@sfu.ca)

VP External
Wei Hai (whei@sfu.ca)

VP Merchandise
Isabel Ge (ige@sfu.ca)

First Year Reps
Kimberly Zipursky
Rob Trost

EUSS meetings are held on Mondays at 2:30 in the ENSC library (where they used to have lots of books that nobody ever read). All Engineering students are welcome (yea, encouraged even!) to join in the meetings. It's your student society, so get involved!

Shinny Continues!

Feel that urge to lace up those skates and go slap some rubber around the ice?

Shinny (that's no-equipment "gentleman's" hockey for those not in the know) happens every Wednesday night (really late 'cause it's cheaper) at Eight Rinks in Burnaby (it used to be Four Rinks, but they made it bigger).

Watch your email or check with James Kerry (jkerry@sfu.ca), who continues to serve as the EHL commissioner (even though he still can't skate.)

New Enscquire Advertising Policy

Various members of the EUSS Executive have had recent requests from students who want to place ads in the Enscquire, because some of you seem to have enough free time to have your own business on the side!

So after examining our printing costs, we've come up with the following: to place a full-page advertisement in a Fall Semester issue, the cost is $15. Spring Semester is $12, and Summer Semester is $10. (Half-page and quarter-page ads are also available at the ob-vious rates of a half and a quarter of the above.) Deadlines for each issue will be printed in the previous issue (probably in this space), so please observe them.

Note that this only applies to Engineering Undergraduate students at SFU, who are advertising for a profit-able business. If you want to place ads to get rid of your bike, furniture, textbooks, favourite sibling or whatever, those remain free and more than welcome!

EUSS Merchandise Fall Clearout Sale!

There is a big sale going on for a limited time only on EUSS merchand-ise. Here is the new price list:

1st wk T-shirts are now $10 (or free with a sweatshirt). Beersteins are $12 (well, for $12.00, you get a pop, plus a free Beerstein). Sweatshirts are $25 and you get a collectors' 1st week T-shirt for free!!! Anniversary Mugs are now $5, caps are $10. We have assorted T-shirts for $15, cotton shorts for $18 and the ever-popular stickers for $0.25 each.

See VP Merchandise, Isabel Ge, or any of your other friendly EUSS Executives to purchase any of this fine selection of stylish EUSS merchandise!

In the Next Issue ...

SFU Engineering is a really small school, but there are always reams of fun and exciting projects on the go. If you are involved in such a project, let us at the Enscquire know about it! Write about it, provide some action photos (or boring photos if that's all you have), and you'll find your name in boldface in the next issue. (Or italics by special request if you prefer ...)

If you aren't involved in any fun projects, but like any other student enjoy pizza, tell us about your pizza stories from Engineering (especially those 3am still-in-the-lab ones). Heck, we'll print just about anything!

Keep this date in mind: Wednesday, October 25th. That's the deadline for the October issue of the Enscquire. So send in those articles, opinion pieces, travel stories, photos, poems, artwork, jokes, or whatever! Remember, this publication doesn't happen if you don't make it happen. How to submit stuff to the Enscquire? EASY!!! Email it to the Editor (minty@sfu.ca), or just drop it off in the EUSS mailbox.

Want to learn about desktop publishing? Here's your perfect chance! Just by letting us know, you too can become part of the Enscquire team.

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Copyright © 1995 SFU EUSS