Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC)

Kiyoshi Kuroiwa, UCC Student Representative

Hi, I am the lower year undergraduate representative on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC). On Wed. Oct 25/95, The UCC had a meeting with the External Review Committee. The External Review Committe consisted of three men. From what I gathered, one person was from the University of Waterloo, one per- son was from the University of Toronto, and the other person was from the U.S. Also present was a professor from the SFU physics department.

I'm only in first year and haven't been in the system for long. It was a very interesting meeting. I went to get myself familiar with the system. I didn't talk too much. The External Review Committee asked questions about how the courses are set up and questioned the structure of the "sup-posed 4 year program". They wanted SFU to "admit" that their program usually takes about 5 years or more to complete. One issue brought up was the fact that because SFU students are in the program for a longer period of time, the taxpayers are paying more for our education. Erik Minty, the upper year undergraduate representative, made, (in my opinion), a well presented argument that in the long run, SFU ENSC students will more than pay back the extra money to the society. There were a few things that went over my head, such as questions about how the co-op coordinators are being paid. Hopefully, some time in the future, I will be able to fully understand all the different things that go on in the university.

If there are any concerns or comments about the curriculum, feel free to talk to or e-mail either Erik Minty or me, Kiyoshi Kuroiwa. Erik's e-mail address is minty@sfu.ca. My e-mail address is kkuroiwa@sfu.ca.

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