Undergraduate Student Presentation

Sean Donovan, EUSS Exec Wannabee

On October 18th, 1995 at 1:30pm, Morgan Chambers, Paul Helter and myself (Sean Donovan) gave a one hour presentation to four External Review members. An External Review is a process to which all engineering schools are regularly subjected every seven years. SFU's School of Engineering Science was long overdue for an External Review, never having had one since the begin-ning of the school, some 13 years ago.

The External Review consisted of professors from other schools; in our case, we had professors from the U.S., Waterloo, University of Toronto and from our very own Physics department. These professors ask questions of everyone in the department, sometimes in groups, or in private confidential interviews. With this they hope to make suggestions for improvement and facilitate communication between different groups in SFU's School of Engineering Science.

Our presentation covered a variety of topics, including SFU/Engineering co-op amalgamation, staff morale, co-op in general, what we liked and disliked, and other various concerns brought up by students.

Overall, the External Review was a good chance to reflect on the quality of our education, to see the good and bad differences and to seek positive change.

If you have any specific questions about the presentation, feel free to e-mail me (sdonovan@sfu.ca) or catch me around the lab.

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