Special Announcements

Save the First-Years Foundation

Gord Morrison, the EUSS VP University Affairs, has started the "Save the First Years Foundation." The idea is, any upper level undergraduate students who want to volunteer their time can sign up for a time when they will be available, on the board over the cubicle near the lounge in the pit.

Although it's aimed at first years, anyone can (theoretically) go to these people and seek help (but don't expect them to do your homework for you!)

New Computers

Most of you have noticed by now the new Pentium computers around the ENSC labs. (Mostly because they're great for playing the newest games that eat processor power for lunch.)

There are three new Pentiums in the pit area, one in the control lab, and a few upstairs. If you have work to do on these computers, please feel free to has-sle anyone who is using them to play games. And if you happen to be the one playing games, please try not to complain too loudly when you get boot-ed off by someone with an AutoCAD assignment (or whatever). (Note that this rule applies to all of the computers in the lab.)

Also, please resist the temptation to use the Pentiums for things like word processing or (!) email, unless they're the only ones available. Jenni Merrifield, VP Electronic Communications, is currently assembling a more complete list of computer ettiquette which will appear in a later issue of Enscquire.

Pop Update

Hey, remember all those fruit flies left over from the summer? Well, they haven't gone away yet. As a temporary measure until they buzz off, it has been "requested" that people rinse out their pop cans before placing them with the other empties. There have been threats of using some really awful pesticide sprays if they don't leave, which wouldn't be too pleasant for a lunch room!

As for the "Pop of the Month," Simon Ng the official EUSS Pop Guy has graciously provided us with Rasp-berry Iced Tea. Hey Simon, is this like McDonald's taste of the month?

SFU Food Bank

It's coming up on that time of year again, when everyone should consider making some contributions to the SFU Food Bank. Garson Ho, EUSS VP Events, has promised to announce special event discounts to people who make food bank donations. There will also be other opportunities to make contributions.

Please keep in mind, that if you don't need to take from the food bank, then you can probably afford to give to the food bank. And in case you're thinking that someone else will do it, please remember that the SFU food bank typically runs very low around this time of year, which means that "someone else" is you.

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