> ** WELCOME TO PLUNGE MUD! A Game of Adventure and Role-playing** Please make your selection: (1) Read the Plunge Mud Story (2) Create a New Character (3) Enter the Land of Plunge Mud (4) Leave Plunge Mud
> 1 (enter)
> Read the Plunge Mud Story
Every year, the Engineering High Council of SFU holds the annual Polar Plunge event to raise money for the Variety Club, which in turn raises money for children with special needs. Your goal in Plunge Mud will be to co-ordinate the Polar Plunge, to raise sufficient funds of gold (more than 2300 gold to beat last year), and to increase your experience and intelligence as much as possible through the challenges of organizing the Polar Plunge. Type "status" to check your current status at any point during the game.
> Please make your selection: (1) Read the Plunge Mud Story (2) Create a New Character (3) Enter the Land of Plunge Mud (4) Leave Plunge Mud
> 2 (enter)
> Create a New Character
You are 5'5", 120 lb, highly motivated and slightly psychotic. Giants like Gord Morrison appear as towering, tree-like creatures that could squish you like an anthropod. You are generally good-natured, but anyone who steps on your tail will inevitably die due to your Scorpio nature. Your class is cleric. You are practiced in the following spells: (i) cast persuasion (ii) cast perseverance. You have 0 gold. You have 0 experience points. Your intelligence is 8/10.
> Please make your selection: (1) Read the Plunge Mud Story (2) Create a New Character (3) Enter the Land of Plunge Mud (4) Leave Plunge Mud
> 3 (enter)
> Enter the Land of Plunge Mud
Welcome to the Land of Plunge Mud! You are standing before the entrance to the Engineering Holy Meeting Chambers. Fabulous adventures await you, and there is much to be done.
> Inside the Engineering Holy Meeting Chambers (ensc library)
You are standing in the nerve centre of SFU Engineering_the Engineering Holy Meeting Chambers. You know the plunge is far from being organized. Everything about it is a tangled mess! Before you is a holy writing tablet. It emits a green aura! Inscribed on it in chalk are the words: "At least we're not as disorganized as the Polar Plunge." Apparently this was the CEC High Council's food for thought at their latest meeting. You do not know whether to laugh or cry, as you are on both councils.
> Inside the Great Hall of Learning (Lecture Hall AQ 4120)
As the day of the plunge approaches, you develop panic flashes and cannot concentrate in class. You drift into deep thought, worrying about whether you will have enough participators in the event......
Class ends, and you realize you have taken a grand total of 0 notes. Not only that, but your intelligence has deteriorated to 5/10 from Fourier transforms dancing in your head, slowing down traffic in your cerebral network.
> Before the Entrance to the Guild of Clerics
You gather your spell energy and cast persuasion on flocks of engineers to volunteer. These people are the real stars of the show. Cecil Lau, John Harvey, Kelly Fennig, and many others help to break up the ice. The empty time slots for running the donation booths fill up, thanks to many like James Sutherland and Chad Kendall attending to the donation booths in the business building (while ogling at attractive members of the opposite sex). You gain 10 experience points for casting persuasion and getting such wonderful results.
> Inside the Guild of Clerics (EUSS Office)
The key element ultimately determining the success of the event is the weather. For the past two days, the sky has been concealed by thick, gray clouds. You are not practiced in the spell "cast fair weather." You practice the spell as your Guildmaster watches. After 15 practice sessions, you have succeeded in casting fair weather!
> status (enter)
> Your Status for Friday, February 9th
Your class is cleric. You are practiced in the following spells: (i) cast persuasion (ii) cast perseverance (iii) cast fair weather. Your intelligence is 8/10 again as the Fourier transforms have vanished from your head. You have 2500 gold from donations. You have 10 experience points.
> The March to the Reflection Pond
The sky is a gorgeous cerulean. The time comes for all plungees to parade around campus in festive costume. You and your merry band enter a dark cave occupied by a ferocious beast_the Googaplexer! The Googaplexer is enraged by the unexpected disturbance and blasts a wall of red-hot flames from its nostrils! You and your merry band proceed to pass through its lair. The Googaplexer goes wild and attacks a member of your merry band with its razor-sharp claws! It advances towards the banner bearing the insignia of the Engineering High Council but fails to shred through its polyethylene. Instead, it swipes the banner! Despite its big, googly eyes, the Googaplexer has poor vision. The injured member of your merry band distracts the beast with his raucous singing while his sidekick retrieves the banner. The beast is now howling with rage! Fortunately, amongst your merry band is a gifted bagpipe player who soothes the beast with his music. You and your merry band manage to escape. You gain 151 experience points.
> At the Reflection Pond
One by one, the plungees are thrown into the icy cold pond for their consecration. You patiently await your turn. It finally arrives! You plunge into the frigid depths of the fish feces-infested waters, trying your darndest not to ingest any of it. It is so cold! You can't move! You are FROZEN! Oh no, there are millions of starving goldfish swimming towards you! They are eating you alive! You have been ***ULTRASLAYED!!!***
> You have just been terminated. Do you want to play again (Y/N)?
> N (enter)
> You have now left Plunge Mud. Goodbye, and please come again next year!
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