Why Join?

By joining the IEEE, you can access a large network of technical information through magazines, journals, seminars and conferences. Your membership to the IEEE includes a subscription to the IEEE Spectrum magazine, the Potentials magazine designed for up and coming engineers, and access to a variety of free conferences held in Vancouver.

To add further value to your membership, you can join one of many technical societies at a discounted student rate. The societies cover areas from aerospace engineering to control systems to semiconductor device fabrication to robotics.

How do I join?

Joining the IEEE is easy. Simply fill out the online form and follow the instructions.

What else do you provide?

The SFU IEEE also organizes various Events throughout the year. We also subsidize many activities such as recent trips to Boston and to the Silicon Valley (pictures available soon).

We also maintain a file of past exams; they are located in the cabinet outside the IEEE office in the undergraduate lab. Just remember to photocopy the exams you want and return the originals to the correct folders.

Page created and Maintained by Gordon Yip and Ali Solehdin
Last updated: Sunday, October 31, 1999
CopyRight © 1999