IEEE Executives

Elections will be held on June 6, 1999 for the following executive positions:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Branch Counselor (faculty member)

Our branch counselor is a faculty member and is appointed by the Vancouver Section Chair upon recommendation of the SFU student members and the Regional SAC Chair (RSAC). Some of the counselor's responsibilities include:

  • Attending executive committee meetings
  • Assisting the Vancouver section branch committees
  • Maintaining contact with the Vancouver section SAC chair, regional SAC chair, or regional director as appropriate
  • Endorsing new student applications
  • Creating student awareness of IEEE awards, contests, and benefits of membership
  • Establishing industrial contacts for branch programs and activities

Page created and Maintained by Gordon Yip and Ali Solehdin
Last updated: Sunday, October 31, 1999
CopyRight © 1999