Atousa HajShirMohammadi
Lecturer, School of Engineering Science
B.Sc., Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 1991
M.Sc., Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 1994
Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada, 2001
Personal Webpage
Research Interests
Wireless and digital communications at coding and modulation level
Current Teaching
- ENSC-150,
Introduction to Computer Design, Spring 2008
- ENSC-380,
Linear Systems, Spring 2008
Past Teaching
- ENSC-220, Electric Circuits I, Summer 2008
- ENSC-380, Linear Systems, Spring 2007
- ENSC-150, Introduction to Computer Design, Spring 2008
- ENSC-380, Linear Systems, Summer 2007
- ENSC-220, Electric Circuits I, Summer 2007
- ENSC-150, Introduction to Cmoputer Design, Fall 2005
- ENSC-327, Communication Systems, Fall 2005
- ENSC-220, Electric Circuits I, Spring 2005
- ENSC-150, Introduction to Computer Design, Fall 2004
- ENSC-327, Communication Systems, Fall 2004
- ENSC-861,
Source Coding, Summer 2004
- ENSC-429, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Summer 2000
- ENSC-327, Communication Systems, Fall 2000
- ENSC-800, Graduate Seminars in Engineering, Fall 2000
- Refereed Journals:
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and Weihua Zhuang,
``Variance of the Turbo-Code Performance Bound Over the
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 2078-2086,
July 2002.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and A.K. Khandani,
``Unequal Power Allocation to the Turbo-Encoder Output Bits
with Application to CDMA Systems,''
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 47, no. 11,
pp. 1609-1611, Nov. 1999.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and A.K. Khandani,
``Unequal Error Protection of Turbo-Encoder Output Bits,''
Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 273-274, Feb. 1997.
- Refereed Conferences:
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and Weihua Zhuang,
``Effect of the Interleaver on the Contribution
of Different Error Patterns in Turbo-Code Performance,''
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on
Turbo Codes \& Related Topics, pp. 51-54, Sept. 2000.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and Weihua Zhuang,
``Variance of the Turbo-Code Performance Bound Over
the Interleavers,''
Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
VTC'99, May 1999.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and Weihua Zhuang,
``Statistical Study of the Effect of the Interleaver
on Turbo-Code Performance'', Proceedings of the 1998
International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT'98,
p. 422, Aug. 1998.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and Weihua Zhuang,
``Combined Turbo-Code and Modulation for CDMA Wireless
Communications'', Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology
Conference, VTC'98, pp. 1920-1924, May 1998.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and A.K. Khandani,
`` Unequal Error Protection on the Turbo-Encoder Output Bits,''
Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on
Communications, ICC'97, pp. 730-734, Jun. 1997.
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi and A.K. Khandani,
``Effect of the Labeling the Constellation Points in a Combined
Turbo-code and Modulation,'' Proceedings of the 30th
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS'96,
pp. 67-69, Mar. 1996.